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Friday, February 26, 2010

Always call his attention

Today is the last on administering CEM. Our supervisor helped me to distribute the test booklets. On my third day, I can't get rid to pick and choose my favorite students. it's Cody and Kobe. Cody is so polite, behave and submissive while Kobe  is opposite he is so remarkable, i was able to always call his attention. ;-)

There was an unexpected commotion. I was also able to apply conflict management in the classroom.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I have now the Idea

Today is different from yesterday.
The students are so quiet and behave. maybe because our supervisor was there to help me.
so nice that I have observed on how  our supervisor manage the behavior of the kids. I have now the idea on how to control whenever the unnecessary behavior occurs. I want and need to learn more..                

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's my first time to handle the grade one pupils. The kids are so cute. Some are so talkative, fidgets and others are seems so quiet.

If I were to rate my own performance in administering the CEM One(1) is the highest and Five(5) is the lowest. It would be two(2). So low , I need to improve it and apply some behavioral management. Patience is a virtue.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fast Learners

I find it so easy to administer. The examinees/kids were so fast learners.

We are already informed that tomorrow will gonna have a CEM. And I will gonna help to Proctor. So excited for tomorrow's activity for new experience and at the same time challenged to the kids to whom I have difficulty to manage the different behaviors.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


My task was to administer the incoming Grade I . I seriously read the questions. Never thought of knowing that the student doesn't know how to read. I am ashamed to myself . I haven't notice it earlier that the student doesn't really know how to read and comprehend. My intention is to help the child.

In this situation  I learned and realized that in helping someone I need to know the need. I know neglecting is not an excuse but I've learned from it.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Was not the same as before

-Take 16PF
-Take the result of  SAT

We got the chance to take the Personality Test 16PF. I've taken the test before in school and now I am so excited to know the results. There might be changes.

I was surprised to the result of SAT all were PHS. My 16PF was not the same as before . I admit there is a little bit in denial but I have to accept to fact that here in this world nothing is constant but change.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Right Answer

I am able to fix the testing room. And our supervisor approached me to take the Stanford Achievement Test. I am little bit nervous and so conscious of what would be the result. i hate it when it comes to Math.  But I enjoyed solving the problem, recalling the formulas way back my school days remembering and forgetting those made me irritable.

I can relate this in real life . In solving problem there is always a solution and its always a process. There might be a short cuts and different equations. still there are more constant numbers to find out the right answer.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Most Higher

I was about to observe the counseling session of our supervisor.

The process of  her counseling is quite systematic. After listening the counselor gave an options. She really wanted to give a right direction without forcing the concerned person.  I observed no matter how we want to give the good answer to decide, still its always the counselee would choose.

The nice part is that, the counselor prayed for the counselee, I like the way because I remember myself when I'm in zero capacity so down and weak. I always consult God above and draw a strength to Him.

In this day I learned asking the right questions than having all the answers. It's faith more than a counseling . A ministry not just a job.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Checklist Again

My what to do check list:

-Administer Stanford Gr. 6
-Write the control number
-Administer entrance exam
-Evaluation Gr.4 and Second years

I am nervous while making my performance better in administering Angelie. She's so smart very much assertive, she has a good listening skills but can easily get distracted.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Their Answers are Congruent

W re-designed their bulletin board we changed it into lighter and much brighter cartolinas than before.

The students are so excited to take the evaluation for teachers. The system is so hi-tech, they gonna enter the control number and just click and click.

I hope that their answers are congruent on what they'd really observed and experienced towards their teachers.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Choice to Answer

I am happy. I know how to Administer, Evaluate and Score. I am glad that I have experienced these all.

        Some examinees are so fast learners. While others are taking their time to solve problems and make decisions of what letters or choice to answer.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Designs to the Bulletin

My day is quite boring. I need to find some other stuffs so that I can change my mode. It's their last day of celebrating sport fest. And by tomorrow they're gonna celebrate the Teacher's Day.

I was able to cut and paste the letters and designs to the bulletin board. I appreciate the designs that we made. Its so nice to work with passion.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Character, Attitude and Self

MY WHAT TO DO LIST: Take and  Interpret  the House Tree Person Test and Group Counseling.

           It was fun to take the House Tree Person Test. I enjoyed the session. When I drew the House, the Tree and the Person it really shown and reflected to my personality. Its nice to have an activity like this, a self awareness. Its about time to re-evaluate and re-assess my character, attitude and self.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today is my second day of duty in Guidance and Counseling setting.
my what to do lists are to Assist the Guidance counselors, observe and administer, beautify the their bulletin board, cut designs and post the devices.

 I am observing our Supervisor when she administered the four years old cute little girl named Kesha. She's a bright girl. She can easily got the test. Excited to play and talkative.

Monday, February 8, 2010


This could be our third rounds in the internship, our Guidance and Counseling setting.
My what to do check list
-Be oriented
-Know their Vision, Mission, and Goal
-Take RIQ
-Take a tour

            It's my first time to take the Raven's Intelligence Quotient. I am bored , all were abstract. i am amazed in their Guidance Center, the students were in and out, they come and pass by this signifies that their guidance office is very much functional. i observed that there are few students who really got an attachments on the Guidance Counselors.

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