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Monday, November 14, 2011

What's with Coffee?

I really love coffee, even though it was included in the list of No-No to those who have hypothyroidism. But still, it tastes good. What's with the coffee? It is good as a stimulant and has antioxidants. My friends and I were coffee lovers' loved to hang at a coffee shop in Davao City. Thinking of the best coffee shop in Davao City, Coffee for Peace in Matina was one of them! The place is suited for updating each other's lives aside from the great taste of coffee and other pastries. 

This was one of the best bonding we've ever had with great significant people around. 


mikexplorer said...

Hi there.. how are you? visiting here.. Be happy.. Very interesting site and informative posts..

Inday Jenny said...

Is this from Bluegré?

Unknown said...

I agree that having a cup of coffee with friends is a great way to bond. I am not a heavy drinker of coffee, but it sure is more fun if you have someone to drink coffee with rather than alone.

By the way, I would like to inform you about your Liebster Blog award. I have received this award months ago and had decided to pass this on to you. You could check my recent post for details about the award. :)

KM said...

i guess, coffee is not too bad, as long as in moderation ;)

thanks for dropping by my blog :)

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